Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

How Do You View Your Tent?

Reading for June 15th: Psalm 9-16
Weekly reading for June 14-20: 2 Corinthians 1-5


For in this tent we groan, longing to put on our heavenly dwelling...

Corinthians 5:2


Camping is fun... for a night or two. After a while sleeping every night in a tent gets old. 


The homesteaders who moved out west didn't live in tents for fun. They did it because of necessity. While they worked on their homes and planted their crops they would endure life living in tents; tents that were easily blown down by the wind and did little more than keep rain off of their heads. 


It wasn't fun, but they endured it. They endured it to reach their goal of a better life. It was seen as a temporary inconvenience. They didn't want to live in the tent indefinitely. What they wanted was to live in their house. That was their dream. That was their focus. The tent was merely a necessary evil. 


How do you view your tent? Are you spending all of your time thinking about how to improve it, obsessing on how to beautify it, make it last longer, make it the best that it can be? It's okay to make our tent as pleasurable and livable as we can make it, but let's not lose sight of where our true (and eternal) home is.


Father, help us keep our minds focused on the home you have built for us.