Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

One Way God Comforts the Downcast

Reading for June 23rd: Psalm 51-57
Weekly reading for June 21-27: 2 Corinthians 6-9

But God, who comforts the downcast, comforted us by the coming of Titus...
2 Corinthians 7:6

Have you ever had a Titus come into your life at just the right time? I can't tell you how many times I've been in the middle of something that was pulling me down emotionally or spiritually when I get a phone call or someone shows up in my life at the precise time I need them.

Paul didn't just see the coming of Titus as an accident. He rightly interpreted this as the grace of God. Titus was the vehicle God was using to bring comfort to Paul in his downcast condition. 

Could it be that there is someone who needs a call or a card or a visit over lunch that you know? Sometimes we do these things not knowing that the person we're contacting is having a hard time. But if we're not in the habit of serving people regularly, God cannot position us in the right place at the right time and for the right person. Reach out to someone and God might just use you in this way. 

Father, we thank you for the comfort you give us and for the ways you use us to extend comfort to others.