Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

You Reap What You Sow

Reading for August 21st: Jeremiah 32-34
Weekly reading for August 16-22: Galatians 1-6


Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap.
Galatians 6:7 

Are you having problems overcoming a temptation in your life? Are you okay for a few days, but then it comes back? Is it something you just can't seem to control? 


There may be a simple reason. You might be feeding the temptation. You are sowing to the flesh.


It's a simple concept: you reap what you sow! Plant watermelon seeds and watermelons will grow. Plant tomato seeds and tomatoes will be the result. What are you planting in your mind? Is it the flesh or the Spirit?


The answer is not always so simple. You are probably someone who takes their spiritual life seriously (considering you're taking the time to read this). However, even a spiritually minded person can drift away. You lower your standards. Your priorities change. You shrug your shoulders over things that used to bother your conscience. This all happens so slowly it is imperceptible.


But then it happens...


You reap what you sow. 


If you're slipping into sins you would have never dreamed of doing in the past, or if you're sinning with much greater frequency, that's a pretty good sign that you're sowing the wrong kinds of things in your heart.


If you've been struggling with temptation to sin lately, this should be a wakeup call. It's time to reexamine your life. You need to take close inventory of what you're sowing in your heart. What needs to be removed? What needs to be added?

Father God, help us to bear the fruit of holiness to your glory. Help us to sow the right things into our hearts.