Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

A Potential Problem with Cultural Relevance in Outreach

Reading for September 5th: Ezekiel 21-22
Weekly reading for August 30-September 5: Titus & 2 Timothy


For Demas, in love with this present world, has deserted me...
2 Timothy 4:10

In an attempt to be "all things to all people" (1 Cor 9:22) there has been a push by some to make church more relevant to the culture. By making changes in the sound, look, and feel of church, the idea is that it will remove artificial boundaries to the gospel.  

Part of me is ambivalent to this debate. As long as the content of the gospel is unchanged, it makes little difference whether we're worshiping in pews or in theatre style seating, whether the songs sound like 19th century classical music or more contemporary tunes, whether the sermon is preached in a formal style or a more casual delivery. The substance of our preaching and worship is what matters, everything else is window dressing.

However, I do want to give a strong word of caution to those who are pushing cultural relevance. As in everything else, we need to be careful about our motive. I fear that some are tired of being labeled as weird and strange and different. The desire to be "culturally relevant" can be driven by a desire to look and sound like the world. 

I do not know anyone's heart and so I point the finger at no one. I'm simply asking the question. You have to look into your own heart and answer this for yourself. 

Father, all we want to do is glorify you by winning as many souls as are willing to submit to Christ. Help us make Christ and not one style or another the centerpiece. Give us wisdom to know how to be all things to all people, but give us humility to make it about him and not us.