Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

How to Keep From Drifting

Reading for September 25th: Micah 1-7
Weekly reading for September 20-26: Hebrews 1-5


Therefore we must pay much closer attention to what we have heard, lest we drift away from it.

Hebrews 2:1


The word picture painted here is a nautical one. Like a boat that slowly floats away from the dock and is lost, we're warned here of the danger of being gradually moved away from our Lord by various pressures and concerns. 


That's why we are admonished to "pay much closer attention" to what the Lord has told us. The danger is that we lose focus, that we become apathetic toward our salvation. There is only one thing in life that really matters, but there are thousands of other things that vie for our attention. How easy it is for us to get distracted or lulled to sleep by the world!


What are the things that keep us anchored? The daily disciplines of prayer, Bible study, evangelism, and service are a good place to start. We must maintain constant communication with God and endeavor to grow every day in our walk with God.  


Lord God, protect our hearts from drifting away from you.