Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Seeing the Finish Line

Reading for October 3rd: Matthew 7-8
Weekly reading for October 4-10: Hebrews 10-13


For you have not come to what may be touched...

Hebrews 12:18


Hebrews is all about endurance. Endurance is not an easy thing when running blindly. When you can see the top of the hill, you can usually summon the stamina to make it up. However, when the end cannot be seen it is much harder to push yourself to continue further. 


We cannot see the finish line or the goal of the race we're running. But we're not running blindly, just using a different kind of vision. Faith gives us the ability to see the invisible. It is described as "the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen" (11:1). Faith is building an ark when warned by God of a flood that is "unseen" (11:7). Faith is leaving your homeland, without a map or a GPS, to go to a place God will show you (11:8). Faith is believing you'll have a child (and a nation through that child) when you're well past childbearing age (11:11).  


The point is this: for us to grind it out and continue running when we're tired and weary, we must exercise our faith to see the finish line. We've got to remember God's promise and endure "as seeing him who is invisible." (11:27)  


Father, when we struggle and grow weary, help us see you more clearly. Help us to trust in your promises.