Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

What Will be Your Legacy?

And there he built an altar to the LORD and called on the name of the LORD.

Genesis 12:7


What will be your legacy?


We may imagine that the memory of our achievements will endure, but sadly, even our most significant accomplishments will be forgotten (Eccl 1:11). Everything we build in this life will decay and deteriorate. None of it will last. 


Our father Abraham, however, built altars and through these, he left a legacy that has endured to this day. 


Abraham built altars everywhere he went (Gen 12:7-8; 13:4, 18; 22:9). At this time the altar was the center of family worship, the place of sacrifice and devotion and thanksgiving to God (Gen 4:3-4; 8:20). "Calling on the name of the LORD" was often associated with altars, so to build an altar was an expression of worship and devotion to God (Gen 13:4).


What are you building? Will it last? Will it matter or be remembered? 


When we are on our death bed, none of us are going to wish we had spent more time advancing our career or perfecting our golf swing. 


Live a life today that matters! Resolve this day to build altars to the Lord: 


Altars of prayer.


Altars of Bible study. 


Altars of worship. 


Altars of love and service. 


Father, give us a heart like Abraham's. Help us to love you with our whole heart and devote ourselves to building altars that will glorify Your name!