Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Attached to this World

Reading for January 6th: Genesis 19-21


As morning dawned, the angels urged Lot, saying, "Up! Take your wife and your two daughters who are here, lest you be swept away in the punishment of the city." But he lingered...
Genesis 19:15-16

Lot is a frustrating character to read about. There are some impressive qualities about him (he did leave his homeland with Abraham to be a tent dweller in a foreign land), but for everything positive you can say about him there are ten negative things.

As you read his story, you want to ask Lot, "Why are you moving your family there? Don't you know how wicked Sodom is? Why are you not trusting in God like Abraham? Why are you exposing your daughters to such filth? What are you thinking?"

However, for all of his flaws and foolish decisions God shows great patience with Lot. Before Sodom is destroyed, God sends angels to warn him. Lot was a righteous man and the Lord knows how to rescue His people (2 Peter 2:6-10).

But Lot didn't leave! (At least he didn't leave immediately.) The Bible tells us that he "lingered." It is at this point in the story that we are all shouting, "Get out of Sodom, you fool! Get out while you can!"

What was Lot thinking? Was he so attached to the city that he couldn't leave? Was he concerned about his friends and neighbors who were going to die? Was he waiting on his foolish sons-in-law to change their minds? Was he concerned about his house and the possessions he had accumulated? What was Lot thinking?

But let's think about ourselves for a minute. Is it possible that we are no different than foolish Lot? Are we sacrificing our souls for the sake of temporary gain? Have we forgotten that God is able to provide for us? Are we exposing our families to wickedness and filth for the sake of entertainment? Are we ignoring the warnings from God's messengers that judgment is coming and we can't take any of this stuff with us?

Are we any different than Lot?

Father, forgive us for our materialistic hearts. Give us perspective to see the temporary nature of these things and help us to choose to live as tent-dwellers like Abraham. Help us to see the reality of judgment and to flee from the destruction that is coming!