Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

What Makes a Great Leader

Reading for January 17th: Exodus 5-7

Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel, but they did not listen to Moses, because of their broken spirit and harsh slavery.
Exodus 6:9

Anyone can lead when things are going well. It doesn't take much of a leader to handle a ship that's sailing on smooth waters with a good strong wind to your back and forward momentum on your side.

A leader is needed when things go sideways...

  • When bills are mounting and money is short
  • When there are health crises and no easy solutions available
  • When tempers are flaring and patience is running thin
  • When enemies are surrounding and threatening to attack
  • And when all of these things hit at once and the group (church, family, business, etc.) starts to give up hope.

Moses faced all of these challenges and more. He faced just about anything you could imagine a leader facing: from a stubborn king to grumbling people; from a lack of food in the wilderness to sin in the camp. There were several occasions when he simply wanted to give up. .He was human, after all!

But he didn't give up! He never gave up! With every obstacle he just kept going, kept leading, kept shepherding, kept instructing, kept interceding, and kept coming back to his people to give them what they needed.

And do you know why?

It's because Moses kept coming back to God.

Every time.

Without fail.

Think about that as you read the story of Moses, and see if that doesn't encourage you to do the same in your life.

Father, we are so helpless without you! We don't know how to go out or come in! Help us to learn in our times of discouragement to not trust in ourselves, but in you to give us the guidance, strength, courage, and love we need to shepherd the ones you have put into our care.