Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

A Telling Symptom

Reading for January 18:  Exodus 11-13
Weekly reading for January 14-20:  Matthew 10-14

Title:  A Telling Symptom

"As for what was sown on good soil, this is the one who hears the word and understands it. He indeed bears fruit and yields, in one case a hundredfold, in another sixty, and in another thirty."
Matthew 13:23

Unfruitfulness is a symptom of a greater problem. That's the main lesson from the parable of the sower. When we stop bearing fruit in our lives, that is a good indication that we have a heart problem. Something in the soil of our heart is impeding the Word of God. The problem is never with the Word. It always bears fruit given the right conditions. The problem is with the soil of our heart, not the seed. 

So are you bearing fruit? You know what the "Fruit of the Spirit" is (Galatians 5). 

  • Are you showing love to others? 
  • Is there joy in your life? 
  • What about peace? 
  • Are you patient with others? 
  • Are you kind, good, and faithful? 
  • What about meek? 
  • Are you struggling with self-control?

If you're not bearing this fruit in your life, there are three possible reasons:

  • Your heart is hard. You've allowed coldness, bitterness, or stubbornness to shut out the Word.
  • Your heart is shallow. You're relationship with God is really just about you. You're not seeking God for his sake, but for selfish interests.
  • Your heart is distracted. You've allowed other things to take your attention off of God.  

Father, help us to be honest with ourselves as we evaluate the fruit we're bearing. Give us the courage to make whatever changes we need to in our hearts.