Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

 What To Do When They Won't Listen

Reading for January 25:  Exodus 31-34
Weekly reading for January 14-20:  Matthew 15-19

Title:  What To Do When They Won't Listen

But he said to them, "Not everyone can receive this saying, but only those to whom it is given."
Matthew 19:11

What do you do when someone refuses to listen to God's Word? Different scriptures come to mind. We are to admonish, encourage, and help (1 Thess 5:14). We are to reprove, rebuke, and exhort (2 Tim 4:2).

But what if they still won't listen?

We move on. Jesus gave some hard teachings, and some of the hardest of those can be found in this section of Matthew. He taught about forgiveness, marital faithfulness, and investing in heavenly treasure (Mt 18:15-35; 19:1-9, 16-22).

When Jesus taught about the subject of forgiveness, he apparently hit a sore spot with Peter. Peter asked exactly how many times one would have to forgive a brother before he could be through with him. Jesus made it clear that there was no limit (Mt 18:22-35).

When Jesus taught about marital fidelity, once again the disciples were shocked suggesting it would be better not to marry. What was Jesus' reply? "Let the one who is able to receive this receive it." (Mt 19:12)

When Jesus told the young rich man to sell all his possessions and give to the poor, the man went away sorrowful. Jesus said nothing to turn him back.

It's discouraging when we see negative responses to Jesus' teachings. But what we learn from Jesus when this happens is two things:

  1. We must never water down the message. Jesus does not conform to us. We have to conform to him.
  2. There is a time when we must let people go. No amount of pleading will make any difference. Once we have clearly and lovingly encouraged obedience, we must back off and let people do what they want to do. 

Father, give us patience as we try to encourage others to follow your Son, but if they prove themselves to be unwilling to follow him, give us the courage to not conform the message to their selfish desires, and wisdom to know when to back off and let them go.