Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The God Who Lives Upstream

Reading for February 26:  Deuteronomy 16-19
Weekly reading for February 25-March 3:  Romans 11-16

Title:  The God Who Lives Upstream

Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.  
Romans 12:2
"We serve the God who lives upstream."
That’s the way Gary Henry describes the difficulty of having to serve God. The tide of society is strong and we must engage every part of our being in an effort to not be swept away. 
This is a daily struggle. If we relax even a day, the current of the world will take control. Renewing our minds must be a daily routine. The devil is sending a steady stream of lies into our minds every day. We can only fight this by daily filling our minds with God’s thoughts.
What will you do today to renew your mind? You are reading this devotional and that's great. I pray this helps you. But you're only getting a small bite from the Word here.
Have you read your Bible today? If you haven't you need to. Read the Word with purpose. This is the mind of God revealed for you and your life. It will transform you if you let it. 
Have you communicated with God in prayer? Communion with God in prayer bends your will and shapes your thoughts like few other disciplines can.
What are some other things you can do?

  • Download a sermon to listen to.
  • Memorize a verse (perhaps Romans 12:2).
  • Go to a park to sit and meditate.
  • Tell someone something you learned today from God's Word.
  • Sing a hymn.
  • Do your Bible lesson.
  • Write down in a journal a list of specific blessings in your life.

Father, transform our lives so that we might see from our own experience what your good and perfect and acceptable will is.