Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The Right Attitude in Service

Reading for March 5:  Joshua 1-4
Weekly reading for March 4-10:  Ephesians 1-6

Title:  The Right Attitude in Service

So I ask you not to lose heart over what I am suffering for you, which is your glory.
Ephesians 3:13
Service does not necessarily make one a servant. It is possible to serve someone and not have the spirit of service. In other words, it is the attitude of service that defines one as a servant as much as the service itself.
What are some faulty motives for service? When we serve...

  • With a desire for recognition. True servants don't need that. All they desire is to put a smile on God's face.
  • Grudgingly. True servants serve joyfully, grateful for the opportunity to serve.
  • With the hope of being repaid in some way. True servants have no such desire.
  • To prove we are better than our rival. True servants have nothing to prove. It's not a competition to them. 
  • To shame the one we're serving. True servants simply pray that the hearts of their enemies will be melted by simple acts of kindness.
  • Complaining that we always have to serve (and nobody ever serves us). True servants have crucified self. They think nothing of the personal sacrifice required. In fact, they would rather you not worry over the inconvenience their service causes them personally.

Father, make us all into servants, just like your Son.