Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

All Hail the Power of Jesus Name!

Title:  All Hail the Power of Jesus Name!

Reading for May 3:  1 Chronicles 13-16
Weekly reading for April 29-May 5:  Acts 1-5

And it shall come to pass that everyone who calls upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.
Acts 2:21 
It's been impressive to me reading through Acts this month how often Luke stresses the significance of "the name" of Jesus:

  • Believers called on Jesus' name (2:21; 9:14).
  • They were baptized in his name (2:38; 8:16; 10:48; 19:5).
  • Power to be healed was in his name (3:6, 16; 4:7, 10, 30). 
  • They preached in Jesus' name (4:17, 18; 5:40; 8:12; 9:15, 27, 28).
  • The disciples suffered for the name (5:41; 9:16, 21).
  • Jesus' name was opposed (26:9).
  • Forgiveness of sins was found in his name (10:43).
  • The Gentiles were made a people for his name (15:14).
  • Believers were called by His name (15:17).
  • Demons were expelled in Jesus' name (16:18).
  • Jesus' name was praised among the nations (19:17).
  • Disciples died for the name (21:13). 

There is great power in Jesus' name. If we want to be saved from the demons that afflict our lives, it can only happen in his name. If we want to be saved from sin, we must call on his name. We must believe in him and be baptized in his name.
Our aim is glorify his name, whether by preaching him to others or suffering shame for his sake. Our sole purpose and reason for all we do is to honor and magnify the precious name of Jesus!  
Father, may the name of your Son be praised in our lives!