Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Enduring Storms By Remembering Who We Are

Title:  Enduring Storms By Remembering Who We Are

Reading for June 6:  Psalms 1-8
Weekly reading for June 3-9:  Acts 25-28


For this very night there stood before me an angel of the God to whom I belong and whom I worship...
Acts 27:23

I don't remember what the specific issue was with our kids, but I remember praying deeply and intensely for them. Adrienne and I felt helpless and so we lifted our prayers to God. In the midst of this I remember Adrienne saying something that was so profoundly true and brought unbelievable comfort to me. What she said was that God cared more about our kids than we did. She assured me that he would take care of them because they belonged to him. 

It's important that we remember this when we go through storms. As Paul went through his storm, he found great assurance in the fact that he belonged to God (see Acts 20:28; 1 Cor 6:20; 1 Pet 1:18-19). If you invest a lot of money into something, you are going to take special care to guard and protect it. That thing becomes precious to you. 

So, as you're going through storms, remember who you are. (Or, rather, WHOSE you are!) You are precious to God! You belong to him! He will not abandon you when you need him most. He'll be right there beside you.

Father God, you are our refuge and our fortress and our rock and our salvation. Be always near when we cry out to you.