Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Your Worth

Title:  Your Worth

Reading for November 4:  John 5-6
Weekly reading for November 4-10:  1 Peter 1-5

...you were ransomed from the futile ways inherited from your forefathers, not with perishable things such as silver or gold, but with the precious blood of Christ...
1 Peter 1:18-19 

When I was a boy I collected baseball cards. I had boxes and boxes of them. Whenever I got a new pack I would anxiously look for the most valuable players and then add them to my special notebook that had my best cards in them. I had cards that I thought were worth a lot of money. I would proudly show them to my father and boast about how much they were worth. He would try to temper my excitement by saying, "A card is only worth what someone will pay for it." 

He was right. All those boxes of baseball cards I thought would one day be worth hundreds, maybe even thousands of dollars... I can't give them away now.

I've learned this principle in my own experience. I've sold two homes, multiple cars, and many other things. It never mattered how much I thought something was worth. It only mattered how much someone was willing to pay for it. 

So, how much are you worth? I'm not talking about your net worth in the things you possess. I'm talking about you. How much are you worth? 

God has shown you how much you're worth. He gave his only begotten Son for you!

Think about that as you remember Jesus' death today. 

Amazing love! How can it be, that you my God should die for me?