Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The Lost Generation

Title:  The Lost Generation

Reading for March 13:  Judges 1-2

And all that generation also were gathered to their fathers. And there arose another generation after them who did not know the LORD or the work that he had done for Israel.
Judges 2:10

This is one of the saddest verses in the Bible. Joshua had been an outstanding leader of God's people. The people served God all his lifetime and throughout the lifetime of the elders who outlived him. But then the next generation was lost.

How can we prevent that from happening?

1. Bring our children to the memorials. There were twelve stones taken from the Jordan and set up as a memorial to remind succeeding generations of God's work (Joshua 4:1-7). I think it is implied in Judges 2:10 that the fathers forgot all about these stones. They did not tell their children about what God had done as they were commanded to (Joshua 4;6).

Are we bringing our children to the memorial left for us. Early Christians met on the first day of the week to break bread and remember the Lord (Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 11:23-26). Are we teaching our children with these memorials each week?

2. Bring our children to the Book. One of the last things Moses told the children of Israel before they entered the promised land is to teach the Law to their children: "And these words that I command you today shall be on your heart. You shall teach them diligently to your children..." (Deut 6:6-7).

Are we reading the Bible to our children? Do they know what great things God has done for us? Are we cultivating submissive and obedient hearts to God's law?

If you are not doing these things presently for your children, then you need to meditate on Judges 2:10 and think about God's warning to you in this verse.

Father, thank you for the precious opportunities you've given us in our children. Help us to teach them so that they might know you and remember all that you have done for us.