Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

"Is It a Sin to __________?"

Title:  "Is It a Sin to __________?"

Reading for July 1:  Proverbs 4-7

Can a man carry fire next to his chest
and his clothes not be burned?
Proverbs 6:27

What do you say when you get asked a question that sounds like this: Where's the scripture that says it is wrong to ____________?

The first question I would ask is if there was a scripture that plainly said it was wrong, would it make a difference? Sometimes I wonder what the motive is behind the inquiry. Are we really concerned about God's will or just doing what we want to do without the guilt?

Instead of answering this question, let's think about how this question must sound like to God.

Let's say there is a man who has cheated on his wife and he's done this repeatedly. He says he wants to save his marriage, but he maintains a relationship with his mistress. He assures his wife that he is not sleeping with her and that they are just friends. Technically speaking, he is not cheating on his wife anymore.

Do you think she'll be satisfied with this?

Is there a sin you continue to commit before God? Then why continue to do the things that create an environment or lead to this sin? Is it "legalistic" to suggest that you stay away from those things?

Father, forgive our desire to justify things we want to do simply because you haven't specifically condemned them. Give us a heart for you that will cause us to hate sin and all that might lead us to sin.