Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath

Title:  A Soft Answer Turns Away Wrath

Reading for July 4:  Proverbs 15-17

A soft answer turns away wrath,
    but a harsh word stirs up anger.
Proverbs 15:1

We all know that this works. The more you turn up the volume the more unreasonable and bitter the confrontation will become, but when you speak in a gentle and soft tone of voice reason returns and the harsh bitter feelings will eventually subside.

Why does this work? It works primarily because a soft answer communicates emotional control and stability. When we raise our voice it suggests that we are out of control, and thus less likely to be rational. Communication is only successful when there is a foundation of trust. Anger and bitterness erodes trust. Speaking with a loud and harsh tone suggests we are arguing because of passion, not principle. 

Think about this when discipling your children. What is your tone like when you correct them? When your child loses emotional control in a confrontation, you be an adult and bring the conversation back to a more mature level. A soft answer does not show weakness. A harsh answer does not communicate strength. It takes a strong person to control their emotions.

Be strong with your kids. Do not compromise what is right. Hold your ground if a principle is truly at stake. But keep your volume under control so that they will trust that your actions are driven by pure motives.  

Father, forgive us for all the times we have provoked our children to wrath. Help us to train them up in the discipline and admonition of the Lord!