Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

A Costly & Complete Gift

Title: A Costly & Complete Gift Reading for October 18: Mark 14 And while he was at Bethany in the house of Simon the leper, as he was reclining at table, a woman came with an alabaster flask of ointment of pure nard, very costly, and she broke the flask and poured it on his head. Mark 14:3 Some observations about this woman and her anointing of Jesus: Her gift was expensive. Mark tells us the ointment was "very costly." Her gift was wasteful. She broke the flask (thus making it impossible to save any of the ointment for later) and poured it on Jesus' head. Her gift was controversial. She was criticized for being so wasteful of such costly ointment. What are some lessons we can learn from this woman's example? Our gifts need to be costly. We should never attempt to offer second best. God gave His best for us. How can we withhold anything from Him? Our gifts need to be complete. It's all or nothing. Discipleship demands taking up our cross and following Jesus, and there's no half way on a cross! Our gifts should be given in spite of what anyone might think of us. Let them complain and criticize us! We don't care what our peers think of us. We serve the Lord Christ. His opinion is the only one that matters. Our worship is all about Him. We're not performing to receive applause from our friends and neighbors. Father God, give us a heart to truly honor your Son by giving him all we have to give!