Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

Title:  Man Shall Not Live By Bread Alone

Reading for October 21:  Luke 3-4

The devil said to him, "If you are the Son of God, command this stone to become bread." And Jesus answered him, "It is written, 'Man shall not live by bread alone.'"
Luke 4:3-4

I make it a habit to eat every day. Actually, it's more than a habit. It's kind of necessary. If I fail to eat for a long time, I get weak. If I were to stop eating entirely, I would eventually die. Eating is a pretty important part of my life.

Jesus went without food for 40 days. I can't imagine going without food for 4 weeks, much less 40 days! But to Jesus, there was something much more important to him. To Jesus, God's Words were life! They were  of more value than bread!

Bread is optional. The Word of God is not. Think about that.

Father, thank you for our daily bread. More than that, thank you for the Word!