Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

How a Blind Man Can See Better Than You

Title: How a Blind Man Can See Better Than You Reading for November 4: John 9-10 Jesus said, "For judgment I came into this world, that those who do not see may see, and those who see may become blind." John 9:39 I had the privilege for several years to teach a group of blind people the Bible. It was a learning experience for me. They see things differently. Since they cannot depend on physical sight they depend on their other senses more than the rest of us. In some ways, I found my blind friends to be able to see some things more clearly than the rest of us. For example, they didn't see the color of your skin. They didn't make surface judgments based on appearance like sighted people do. The irony in John chapter 9 is that it was the blind man who could see Jesus. The Pharisees (who had physical sight and should have had spiritual sight - v 3) couldn't see Jesus for who he really was. You might even say they were blinded by their physical sight. What their physical eyes saw didn't fit the profile of who the Christ was supposed to be, so what should have been obvious about Jesus was hidden from their eyes. What about you? Are you blinded by your physical sight? Are you unable to see Jesus as he really is because of your own preconceptions? Father, open our eyes that we might see Jesus!