Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Godly Leaders Remember Their Place

Title:  Godly Leaders Remember Their Place

Reading for May 21:  Nehemiah 1-3

"They are your servants and your people, whom you have redeemed by your great power and by your strong hand."
Nehemiah 1:10

Godly leaders remember their place.

Ungodly leaders think it's all about them. They preach (teach, shepherd, parent) "from envy and rivalry" (Phil 1:15). They think of leadership as a competition. Who can get the most points? Who can grab the spotlight? Who can make the biggest name for themselves?

Godly leaders don't get caught up in all of this. Their drive to lead comes from a very different place than those who are motivated by pride. They understand that these are God's children (Psa 127:3). They want their children (congregation) to do well, but not so that they can be exalted before others. They count their stewardship as an awesome and sacred stewardship from God (Heb 13:17).

Avoid this temptation. Too many preachers preach... too many elders shepherd... too many parents parent to glorify themselves. This is pure selfishness! Don't get caught up in yourself. It's not about you. It's about God.

Pray for your children (or whomever God has put into your hands to shepherd), and be sure to remember they are not yours.

Father, thank you for the precious gifts you have put into our hands! Grant us wisdom, courage, patience, discernment, and, above all, love that we might raise them to serve you!