Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Honesty In Prayer

Title:  Honesty In Prayer

Reading for May 29:  Job 9-12

"I loathe my life;
I will give free utterance to my complaint;
I will speak in the bitterness of my soul."
Job 10:1

We tend to wear masks. Though our souls suffer, we can still put on a happy face. Though we are crushed by some physical, emotional, or even spiritual trial, when asked how we are doing we can still manage to say, "Okay."

But we're not okay. We are miserable. We're not happy. Our smiles are deceptive, covering up the true feelings of our hearts.

Perhaps that is one of the reasons we are so drawn to Job. He expresses an honesty about his life and about his feelings toward God which are unusual. 

Job is real. He isn't putting on a show. He isn't hiding. He isn't afraid to tell us (and God) how he really feels.

Now some of what Job says about God is not right. But that's not even the point. The point is that he is willing to share his bitterness and his complaint with God.

And God is okay with that. God can handle that kind of honesty (and even desires it). It's not like we're fooling God about how we really feel when we suppress our feelings. We might as well bring all of it into the open so we can discuss it with God.

And maybe, like Job, we gain wisdom when we do that.

Father, we know that you love us and care for us. It's just that sometimes we have doubts. Be patient with us as we express our true feelings to you in prayer.