Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions


Title:  Meditation

Reading for June 8:  Proverbs 18-21

Let the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart
     be acceptable in your sight,
     O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.
Psalm 19:14

Meditation is becoming a lost art. With every new electronic gadget our world is filled with more noise.

Imagine a world without such distractions. There was a time when meditation was much easier. The farmer plowed his field and thought. The shepherd looked after his flock and thought.

Now contrast that with our world: the 21st century saint has his play list running in his ears while a phone is in his left hand texting and his left hand is on a mouse surfing the web at the same time!

We are suffering spiritually because of this! Meditation is nearly impossible with so much noise. Even if spiritual songs and sermons are on our iPod and only spiritual websites are bookmarked on our computers and we're staying connected with Christian friends on facebook, there still needs to be quiet in our day. We need time to process.

Some suggestions:

  • Commute to work in silence. Just drive in your car with absolutely nothing on. 
  • Go on an electronics fast. You may not be able to do this at work, but sacrifice your free time when you'd normally be plugged in to something. 
  • Take a walk. Find a park bench. Stretch out a blanket in a shady place. Make some quiet space and just sit there and think. 

Let the words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be acceptable in your sight, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.