Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Playing Favorites

Title:  Playing Favorites

Reading for January 11:  Genesis 36-38

Now Israel loved Joseph more than any other of his sons, because he was the son of his old age. And he made him a robe of many colors.
Genesis 37:3

If you have more than one child, you've been accused of playing favorites. It's almost impossible for a child to not feel this way. Sometimes we are guilty, but sometimes the child's perception of things is distorted by their own insecurities. Either way, it's something we have to learn to deal with, because if Genesis 37 teaches us anything, it is that favoritism (whether real or imagined) can create potentially devastating problems for our families. 

Communication is the key. We have to be aware of how our children are feeling. Spending one on one time with them gives them the opportunity to vent their frustrations and express the favoritism they see (or think they see). It gives us an opportunity to explain our perspective and perhaps correct any misunderstanding they might have. 

But communication is more than just an opportunity for us to learn what they are feeling or to correct their misunderstanding. The act of making the time to sit down and listen communicates value and builds trust in the relationship. It demonstrates for our kids that they are, in fact, important to us. It gives them the security they need to come to talk to us in the future when they start feeling neglected. 

It's a sacrifice. If you have a lot of children like Jacob did, it's not easy to spend individual time with your kids. But it's essential if we want to let them know that we care about them. 

Father, thank you for our children. Every child is a unique and precious gift you've given to us. Help us as good stewards of your grace to make the time to sit and listen to hear how our kids are feeling about our relationship with them.