Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

No Greater Joy

Reading for September 16th: Daniel 4-6
Weekly reading for September 13-19: 2 Thess 1-3; 2-3 John


I have no greater joy than to hear that my children are walking in the truth.
3 John 1:4

There have been times of great joy for me as a father. Of course, there was the day of their births. Since then there have been a million reasons to rejoice in them. I've gone to numerous soccer games and piano recitals. The kids have brought home great report cards. We've been on great adventures as a family. In short, my children have brought me countless moments of happiness and joy. 

But when I as a father think back to what has brought me the greatest joy, it's none of those things. It wasn't when the kids won some competition or an award for excellence in sports, but when they showed good sportsmanship and character on the field of play. 
It wasn't when they got a good grade on a report card, but when one of their teachers told us about their good character in the classroom. It wasn't when they excelled at a recital or some other musical performance, but when they sang with all their heart in praise of our God in worship.

It matters how we respond to our children's accomplishments. More than anything else, our children want to know that we're pleased with them. If they see that our greatest joy is in academics, sports, music, or some other worldly accomplishment, then that's what they're going to care about most. We can say that nothing matters more than obeying and serving God, but our children are very perceptive and will see through our words to know what, in our heart of hearts, we truly care about the most.

Father, I pray that my children know that what I want more than anything else for them is that they walk in your ways and in your truth.