Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

When Goodness Is Not Enough

Reading for November 2nd: Luke 21-22
Weekly reading for November 1-7: John 1-5


Jesus answered him, "Truly, truly, I say to you, unless one is born again he cannot see the kingdom of God." 

John 3:3


Maybe you've heard that the average American not only believes in heaven, but also believes that he's going. What is that based on?


One possibility is that most of us have a positive view of ourselves. A 2006 Barna Group survey revealed that 97% of Americans say that they are "a good citizen," 94% describe themselves as "friendly", and 90% see themselves as "generous." 


Is this why so many feel secure in their eternal destiny? I'm sure there are other factors, but in my experience I've found that most people think that if you're a "good person" that you're going to heaven. 


If you were to ask Nicodemus if he was "a good citizen," "friendly," and "generous," he would probably say he was. More than that, he was a religious ruler who was likely esteemed and admired by most people. But Jesus said he needed to be born again. He wasn't good enough. He needed a "do-over," a brand new start. 


No doubt, this was a difficult pill for this religious man to swallow. Grace is a difficult thing for us to accept as well. We're not saved because we're good, or because we come from a good family, or because we have our name on a church roll somewhere. We're saved because Jesus Christ has died for our sins. We're saved and have a hope of heaven because we were born again of water and the Spirit. 


Father, help us to feel confidence in our salvation, not because of the good we have done, but because of your mercy and grace in Christ Jesus.