Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Everyone Did What Was Right In His Own Eyes

Reading for March 25th: Judges 19-21

In those days there was no king in Israel. Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.
Judges 21:25

Frank Sinatra used to sing "I did it my way." If anything sums up our generation, it's that song. 

What happens when we do things our own way? The book of Judges is a witness to what happens when we choose to follow our own path. The Proverbs have a lot to say about this as well. 

  • Our way is full of bloodshed, greed, and self-destruction (Prov 1:17-19). 
  • Our way is described as dark, evil, crooked, and devious (Prov 2:13-15). 
  • It is full of anger and wrath (Prov 22:24-25). 
  • It is a hard way that is like a hedge of thorns (Prov 15:10, 19). 
  • Bottom line, our way is an abomination to God (Prov 15:9), and thus it inevitably leads to death (Prov 5:5-6). 

Does this feel like the way you're travelling on right now? Are finding your way level and smooth or are you reaping the consequences of your own foolish choices?

Jesus calls us to follow Him: "I am the way, the truth, the life..." (John 14:6).

Father, teach us your ways that we may walk in your paths.