Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Not For Sissies

Reading for April 11th: 2 Samuel 22-24

And next to him among the three mighty men was Eleazar... He was with David when they defied the Philistines who were gathered there for battle, and the men of Israel withdrew. He rose and struck down the Philistines until his hand was weary, and his hand clung to the sword.
2 Samuel 23:9-10

Restoration isn't for sissies. True restoration involves a complete surrender of self. 

In fact, the Bible speaks of this as a kind of death. Jesus said following him was a matter of taking up a cross (Luke 9:23-24). The cross is where self dies. Paul spoke of crucifying self (Galatians 2:20; 6:14). He spoke of putting to death our fleshly desires (Colossians 3:5). Discipleship means killing and burying every last bit of self.

But self doesn't surrender easily. It doesn't give up without a fight. Even after a victory the battle is not over. The old man may die today, and yet he resurrects himself tomorrow.

This daily struggle with self requires grit and determination. It demands courage... courage which few possess. Some make only a half-hearted attempt. Some are simply too cautious and fearful. When the heat of the battle is turned up some will retreat into the safe, comfortable confines of selfish indifference. 

But the brave of heart presses on. With the sword of the Spirit in his hand he refuses to give ground to the enemy. He never gives up. He never gives in. Covered with blood and sweat he calls on the Lord. In the end he is victorious, for the Lord never forsakes those who bravely fight these kinds of battles.

So be strong my brothers! Take courage my sisters! Stand and fight! Be not afraid or fearful of heart! Lift up your heads! See, your salvation is near! The Lord is with you! All the legions of hell cannot stand against you! 

Lord of hosts, we need your help! We cannot do this without you! Give us victory over the flesh! Grant us courage to stand and fight!