Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Godly Leaders Give God All the Credit

Reading for May 26th: Nehemiah 7

So the wall was finished on the twenty-fifth day of the month Elul, in fifty-two days. And when all our enemies heard of it, all the nations around us were afraid and fell greatly in their own esteem, for they perceived that this work had been accomplished with the help of our God.
Nehemiah 6:15-16

It's tempting when a great project is completed for those in charge to take credit for what was accomplished. Nebuchadnezzar was famous in the ancient world for all he built, and he took credit for it, saying, "Is not this great Babylon, which I have built by my mighty power as a royal residence and for the glory of my majesty?" (Dan 4:30) It's easy for us to look at the things we've done and feel the same kind of pride.

Nehemiah resisted that temptation. He wrote this book, not to congratulate himself for what he had done, but to praise and glorify God. The book is literally full of references to God's work. The word "God" is found 75 times in the book and the personal name of God, Jehovah, is found 17 times. He knew why they were able to finish this project (and do it so quickly), and he insisted on giving God the credit for it.

Nehemiah's example should rebuke us. Though we might not be so bold as to say, like Nebuchadnezzar, "Look at this church I have built," or "Look at these children I have raised," there are other subtle ways in which we can take credit. One way is to simply not say anything about what God has done through us.

Nehemiah constantly gave God credit for the work that was done on the wall. How often do I do the same?

Father, we could do nothing without you. Give us a heart of gratitude for whatever good we accomplish as leaders. All we desire is to glorify your name for the good you accomplish through us.