Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Armchair Quarterbacks

Reading for June 4th: Job 11-13

"In the thought of one who is at ease there is contempt for misfortune;
     it is ready for those whose feet slip."
Job 12:5

An armchair quarterback is someone who is quick to offer opinions about things he or she knows nothing about. She has no children of her own, and yet can tell you exactly how you ought to discipline your two year old. He has zero experience in business, but that doesn't keep him from telling you how you should do things in running your company.

There are a lot of spiritual armchair quarterbacks as well. Job's friends were quick to point out to him where he was wrong when he fell. It was easy for them to offer this advice. They didn't know what Job was going through. 

Let's be careful when we see a friend fail. There is a time and a place for us to offer constructive criticism, but keep in mind when doing this...

1. Listen before speaking. We don't know as much as we think we know about their situation. Let them talk first before giving advice.

2. Stay humble. We don't know how we would react under similar circumstances, and a holier-than-thou attitude won't effect much change anyway.

3. Be merciful. Be kind and patient when offering any advice. Assume the best possible motive behind what anyone does. Approach with respect.

Father, keep us from prideful condemnation. Help us to lovingly and patiently help those who have fallen.