Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The Four Parts of an Apology

Reading for July 4th: Psalms 36-39

I confess my iniquity;
I am sorry for my sin.
Psalm 38:18

There was an article in the Wall Street Journal about apologies. It talked about three different types of fake apologies:

  • The Contingent Apology: "I'm sorry if I did something to offend."
  • The Defensive Apology. "I'm sorry, but if you hadn't..."
  • The Strategic Apology. "I'm sorry. Let's move on."

A true apology has no ulterior motives. It is sincere and honest. It does not expect anything in return. It makes no demands. It is moved by genuine sorrow.

I don't remember where we heard this, but I like the way someone described the four parts of a true apology:

  1. "I was wrong." The three most difficult words in the English language to say.
  2. "I am sorry." No excuses. We take full responsibility.
  3. "Will you forgive me?" No demands. God expects forgiveness, but we keep our mouths shut if they don't. They have as much time as needed to freely offer forgiveness.
  4. "How do I make it right?" Don't forget this part! We can't make up for what we have done. All we can hope for is that by showing earnest repentance we can restore some of the trust that was lost.

Father God, have mercy on us. Give us courage to truly apologize. Give us sincerity to truly mean it.