Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Why Some Reject God

Reading for August 2nd: Isaiah 23-27

If favor is shown to the wicked,
    He does not learn righteousness;
in the land of uprightness he deals corruptly
    and does not see the majesty of the LORD.
Isaiah 26:10

When people question God's existence, they do it in spite of mountains of evidence. God has not only shown his creative power in the world (Psa 19:1; Rom 1:20), he has blessed the world with "rain and fruitful seasons" to give us life and happiness (Acts 14:17).

So why, in spite of all of this, do some still reject God?

Often it's because they don't want God in our life! They want to do what they want to do and don't want to be told otherwise.

If you are someone who is questioning God, I don't want you to misunderstand what I'm saying. I am NOT saying that there aren't legitimate questions that need answers. I am NOT saying that you should take a blind "leap of faith" and accept something without weighing the evidence.

But what I am saying is that if you have taken time to examine the evidence and you're still unconvinced, there may be some more work you need to do on a heart level. Belief in God is not just a matter of answering the questions you have. It's fundamentally about the heart. You can watch  100 videos on YouTube about the existence of God and read  1000 books on evolution verses creation, but if you aren't honestly searching for truth you'll never find God. If you're looking for something to confirm your disbelief and soothe your conscience, the truth will continue to evade you.

Father, if someone out there is struggling with questions about your existence right now that's reading this, soften their hearts that they might see with clear eyes what you have revealed to them about yourself.