Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

The Privilege of Evangelism

Reading for October 24th: Luke 2-3

And when they saw it, they made known the saying that had been told them concerning this child. And all who heard it wondered at what the shepherds told them.
Luke 2:17-18

Consider what a privilege those shepherds were given that night that Jesus was born. They were simply watching over their flocks that evening when suddenly the heavens lit up with the glory of God and the most beautiful chorus ever heard on earth. Could you imagine what it was like for them to go to the place where Jesus was born and find him exactly as the angels had told them, wrapped in swaddling cloths and lying in a manger?

How would you react after such a night? I've had some amazing experiences in my life, but nothing even close to what they heard and saw. When I am blessed to witness something truly incredible, I can't wait to tell others about it. And that's exactly what these shepherds did. They didn't keep this to themselves. They shared this with others.

Now, we were not there when Jesus was born. We weren't there when he died and rose from the dead. We didn't witness firsthand his ascension back to heaven. But we know he did and we have knowledge a lot of people don't have. 

Why don't you and I tell someone today about what we know about Jesus?

Father, thank you for revealing Jesus to us. Help us to not be selfish, but share what you've shown us with everyone we know!