Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

How Can I Glorify God Today?

Reading for November 6th: John 13-15

If God is glorified in him, God will also glorify him in himself, and glorify him at once.
John 13:32

Most mornings we begin with a "to do" list in our heads: go to the store, drop the kids off at school, clean the bathrooms, finish that report, visit that client, catch up on email, etc.

Lists are good. They give us focus. They motivate us to achieve and accomplish. They get us out of bed in the morning.

It's good to compile "to do" lists, but there's a better way to start each day. Why not begin by asking, "How can I glorify God today?"

That may not seem like much, but meditating on that simple thought will change us. When we begin the day that way we're no longer just going to the store, we're looking for a way to honor God while we are there. Even if it's simply in the courtesy we show to the check out clerk, our purpose for going to the store has been transformed. We're no longer just carting kids around here and there; we've got a purpose in doing that. We're not just punching a time card at work; we're serving the Lord Christ.

Ordinary, routine tasks take on new meaning when we put God in the middle of them. We're doing much more than just checking off a "to do" list. We're putting a smile on our Father's face.

Father, help us to begin our day with you in mind. We pray your name is glorified in all we do this day.