Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Giving Up Control

Reading for February 11:  Numbers 8-10
Weekly reading for February 11-17:  Romans 1-5

Title:  Giving Up Control

Paul, a slave of Christ Jesus...
Romans 1:1 (HCSB)
One of the most powerful chapters in Romans is chapter 12 where Paul explains in practical terms what a living sacrifice looks like. We are to love genuinely, show honor, serve, rejoice, patiently pray, show hospitality, bless, express sympathy for and love all our brothers and sisters... even our enemies (Rom 12:9-21).
But there is an essential step that must first take place before the last half of chapter 12 becomes a reality in your life. In the first verse Paul encourages us to “present" our bodies to God as a sacrifice. What does that mean?
It certainly brings the cross to mind. Jesus presented his body to God. He gave up his body to be bruised, beaten, and hung on a tree as a sacrifice. We are presenting our bodies in a similar way when we give up our rights to revenge and suffer injustice patiently showing kindness to our enemies (see Rom 12:14-21).
Paul used this word "present" in chapter 6 where he said that we should no longer let sin reign in our mortal bodies, but rather that we should "present our members" to God to be used however he pleases (vs. 12-14). The idea here behind "presenting" our bodies, however, is not one of sacrifice but of slavery. "Do you not know that if you present yourselves to anyone as obedient slaves, you are slaves of the one whom you obey...?" (v 16)
You see, before chapter 12 can truly transform your life, you must first relinquish control. You have been bought with a price. You must turn your life completely over to the One who has rightful ownership of your life.
Father, you have bought me with a price. I present my body to you. Use me however you see fit.