Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Grounded by Gratitude

Reading for March 12:  Joshua 23-24
Weekly reading for March 11-17:  Colossians 1-4; Philemon

Title:  Grounded by Gratitude

We always thank God... 
Colossians 1:3
Ben Hall pointed out to me how important the act of thanksgiving is in the Colossian letter:

  • "giving thanks to the Father..." 1:12 
  • "abounding in thanksgiving." 2:7 
  • "And be thankful." 3:15
  • "with thankfulness in your hearts to God." 3:16
  • "giving thanks to the Father..." 3:17
  • "Continue steadfastly in prayer, being watchful in it with thanksgiving." 4:2

Why all of this encouragement to give thanks? 
Gratitude acts like an anchor. It keeps us faithful to the Lord. It helps prevent us from wandering from our first love.
Thanksgiving anchors us to the Lord for the same reason it anchors husbands and wives in marriage. When there is constant thanksgiving and praise in the marriage, there is less motivation to stray. It is when a husband or a wife begins to take their spouse for granted that the two begin to look for "greener pastures."
Take time today to do nothing but give thanks to the Lord. Count your blessings one by one.
Father, how do we begin to express our gratitude for all you've done for us! Accept our thanksgiving and praise as we meditate on and give thanks for all our blessings.