Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Have You Ever Gone to Church and Not Thought About Jesus?

Title:  Have You Ever Gone to Church and Not Thought About Jesus?

Reading for April 7:  2 Samuel 20-22
Weekly reading for April 1-7:  Luke 5-9

Then turning toward the woman he said to Simon, "Do you see this woman? I entered your house; you gave me no water for my feet, but she has wet my feet with her tears and wiped them with her hair..."
Luke 7:44
Have you ever gone to church and not thought about Jesus? Our thoughts are easily distracted by everything from games to deadlines to school projects. Then there are the innocent distractions during the services (crying babies, train wrecks in the song service, etc.).
Sometimes we fail to think about Jesus because our minds are filled with judgment. Some of us are focused on those who came "dressed down,” while some judge those who are dressed to the nines. Worship critics judge everyone who leads in worship, from the announcements to the closing prayer.
Some of us can’t think of Jesus because of bitterness and resentment, even toward someone worshiping next to us. An unforgiving spirit won’t allow us to think of Jesus.
How do we eliminate these distractions? We can only do it through humility (thinking less of self) and gratitude (thinking more of Him). When we fully grasp the magnitude of our sin and what God has done for us, how can we think about anything or anyone else?
Gracious Lord, accept our worship as we fall down before you.