Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Invisible Leadership

Title: Invisible Leadership

Reading for April 11:  1 Kings 6-7
Weekly reading for April 8-14:  Luke 10-14

"For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted."
Luke 14:11
A friend sent me an article titled, "10 Ways to Put Yourself Second." (http://www.allprodad.com/top10/inspirational/10-ways-to-put-yourself-second/) I thought the whole thing was great, but what especially caught my eye was reason #8: Master Invisible Leadership.
Too many of us have the wrong idea about leadership. We want to lead so that we can "sit down in a place of honor," or have our name prominently displayed in the headlines, or to be given a position of authority where people recognize our true worth.
Jesus says we should flip that thinking on its head. Instead of seeking the "place of honor" we should do our work quietly for the simple pleasure of helping others and accomplishing God's purposes.
Challenge yourself to do something for someone today that no one will know about (even the person receiving the service, if possible).  
Father, forgive us of our pride. Give us new hearts that will be driven by your purposes and your glory!