Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Spiritual Mimicry

Title: Spiritual Mimicry

Reading for April 21:  2 Kings 9-10
Weekly reading for April 15-21:  Luke 15-19

"You are those who justify yourselves before men, but God knows your hearts."
Luke 16:15
There are several songbirds that are known for their ability to mimic. The lyrebird, found in dense forests in Australia, may be the worlds best. It can imitate 12 other birds. It does the whirring camera's motor drive and the click of a shutter. It repeats the engine of a car and the ding of a car alarm. It can even imitate the screech of the chainsaw of loggers. 
Many of us have learned the art of spiritual mimicry. We have learned how to imitate generosity, zeal, morality, and even humility. We garner the praise of those who listen to our beautiful songs, but what about God? What might be impressive to our friends and family are obnoxious to God.
Sing beautiful songs today, but make sure those are for the glory of God and not self.  
Father God, who knows our hearts, may our songs be pleasing to your ears!