Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

 Jesus Walks With Two Nobodies

Title:  Jesus Walks With Two Nobodies

Reading for April 27:  2 Kings 24-25
Weekly reading for April 15-21:  Luke 20-24

That very day two of them were going to a village named Emmaus, about seven miles from Jerusalem, and they were talking with each other about all these things that had happened. While they were talking and discussing together, Jesus himself drew near and went with them. 
Luke 24:13-15

One of my favorite lessons from Buddy Payne comes from this story. He talked about how this story, aside from giving us faith in Jesus' resurrection, shows us something about Jesus' character.

We know nothing about these two disciples. Only one of them is named (Cleopas), and we don't find his name anywhere else in the New Testament. As Buddy put it, they were two nobodies.

We know nothing about this little town called Emmaus. It's not mentioned anywhere outside the Bible and this is the only time it's mentioned in the Bible. And all we're told about it here is that it was seven miles from Jerusalem. Yet Jesus walked seven miles with two nobodies, to this place out in the middle of nowhere.

Where would you have gone if you were Jesus on the resurrection day? I'd be tempted to go to Pilate or to Herod or, better yet, to Caiphas the High Priest and say, "Here I am!"

But Jesus didn't go to them. He went with two nobodies to nowhere. 

That's the kind of Lord we serve. He takes notice of the nobodies. Like you and me.

Father, we thank you for the friend we have in Jesus who will walk with us down whatever road we're traveling.