Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

 A Prayer for Our Kids

Title:  A Prayer for Our Kids

Reading for May 2:  1 Chronicles 10-12
Weekly reading for April 29-May 5:  Acts 1-5

When they were released, they went to their friends and reported what the chief priests and the elders had said to them. And when they heard it, they lifted their voices together to God and said...
Acts 4:23-24
I feel for kids who are in school. They battle with insecurity and a constant pressure to conform. They can be the victims of cruel jokes because of their moral standards. They get little support from school administrators or teachers when their faith is under attack. They are sometimes all alone. 
Here's what I've told kids when I'm teaching a junior high or high school class: YOU SHOULDN'T GO THROUGH THESE STRUGGLES ALONE! First, I tell them they could come and talk to me anytime they needed someone. But I also encourage them to look around at their friends at church. I encourage them to call a private prayer meeting to come together into our classroom. 
The great thing that happens when we pray together in this way is we're given a sense of solidarity. We're not alone. We've got brothers and sisters who are beside us. Most importantly, we have our Lord who is with us.  
So I want to give you young people out there the permission to unload on me. I would love to pray with you (on the phone or in person). I also want you to feel free to call on others to come pray with you at Northwood or wherever you go to church.
"Lord, look upon their threats and grant to your servants to continue to speak your word with all boldness."