Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Worship Critics

Title:  Worship Critics

Reading for June 17:  Psalms 69-72
Weekly reading for June 17-23:  1 Corinthians 7-11


"Do this in remembrance of me."
1 Corinthians 11:24

Are you a worship critic?

What is a worship critic? Well, a worship critic is kind of like a food critic. A food critic goes to a restaurant and examines the atmosphere, service, and food. He looks at the little things, evaluating the minutia others might miss. He eats the food, but it is hard to say if he really enjoys it. Enjoying the food is not his purpose. His goal is to offer an evaluation of the restaurant.
Worship critics have a similar mentality. They examine the class, the singing, the prayers, the preaching, the thoughts shared at the table, and even the announcements. They aren't really worshiping. That's not their purpose. Their mind is absorbed in evaluating those who are leading the worship. Is the pitch too high for the hymns? Is the sermon too long? Is the prayer rambling? 
When the focus is on anything but the substance of the worship, then we are missing the point. If you struggle with this, try really hard this morning to look past the imperfect men who are leading worship to the Lamb of God. He should always be the center of our thoughts on the first day of the week.
Father God, help us to remember our place: that we are not the audience. You are. And no one is performing for us. May we approach your throne and come before the Lamb realizing that you are the sole object of our worship and praise. Accept our feeble efforts to praise and exalt your holy name.