Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Not of This World

Title:  Not of This World

Reading for December 13:  1 Thessalonians 1-5
Weekly reading for December 9-15:  John 16-21

They are not of the world, just as I am not of the world.
John 17:16

As I sat in class tonight (it's Wednesday night as I write this devotion), I was impressed by the young man teaching the class (who is a college student) and by the good comments made by other college students. We looked at the example of Daniel and his three friends as they were taken from their home to live as exiles in Babylon. They were hundreds of miles away from their families and from all that they knew. They were immersed into a culture that was completely foreign and frightening to them. The people of Babylon spoke a different language, wore strange clothes, and worshiped false gods. And they went to school every day learning the language and literature of these idolatrous people.

I thought about how our college students are immersed in a culture that in many ways is equally foreign to them. They are confronted by opportunites to compromise their faith on so many different levels. And as I think about our young people I can only thank God for the tremendous example of faith and devotion that they put on display for all to see. They are lights in the world. They are the salt of the earth.

So, my challenge for you today is simple. If you know of a young person who is shining their light, why don't you bow your head before the Father and give thanks for them. And then reach out to them to let them know how thankful you are for their courage to live as they do. They hear enough negative things about "kids these days." They need to know that we recognize the tough decisions they make to not be conformed to the world. They need to hear how much we appreciate their faith.

Father, thank you so much for all the young Daniels who are boldly shining their lights in this dark and sinful world!