Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

A Call to the Broken

Title: A Call to the Broken

Reading for January 17: Exodus 5 - 7

Moses spoke thus to the people of Israel, but thry did not listen, because of their broken  spirit and harsh slavery. Exodus 6:9

Isn't it ironic that the times we need God most, we listen to him least? It's hard to listen when you are in pain. You're so deepkly consumed with suffering that it's hard to hear what other's are saying. We turn inward. We shut down and shut out.  We become physically weak and emotionally empty. The light in our eyes goes dim.  The spirit is gone. Hope seems lost.

This is when Jesus likes to step in. He is the champion of the downcast and discouraged. He came to proclaim good news to the poor, liberty to the captives, recovery of sight to the blind, and liberty to the oppressed (Luke 4:18-19). While Jesus was on earth he touched lepers, raised widows' sons, healed blind beggars, brought calm to the demon possessed and taught lost sheep how to find the way back home.

Jesus cares about you! He's calling you! He loves you! He wants to help you find safety under his wings. He wants to carry you in his might arms. He wants to pull you out of the pit and rescue you.

Don't let your broken spirit keep you from hearing his voice. He wants to save you from your bondage. Go to him! He will save you!

Father, I thank you for all those reading this devotion today. I pray for anyone hurting right now that they will urn to your Son right now. I pray that we all might be used as vessels of your mercy and that they will except our help.