Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Radical Faith

Title:  Radical Faith

Reading for November 17:  Acts 16-17 

And when they could not find them, they dragged Jason and some of the brothers before the city authorities, shouting, "These men who have turned the world upside down have come here also..."
Acts 17:6 
We get nervous when we use the terms "radical" and "faith" in the same sentence. "Radical" sounds a lot like "extremist" and in our post 9/11 world no one wants to be associated with any religion that could be labeled extreme. 
However, you could argue that the early Christians were radical (even extreme). They never resorted to violence or physical force, yet, they were threatening to both civil and religious authorities. They frightened the powers that be because what they had was something more powerful than guns and bombs. They had the gospel. And wherever the gospel went, things changed.
It makes me wonder just how radical my faith really is. Does my  presence make people nervous? Do I stand out or blend in? Am I part of the culture or am I counter-cultural? Do I speak up and challenge the powers that be or do I keep my mouth shut and simply do as I'm told? Do I seek the approval of men or God?  

Disturb us, O Lord, lest we become comfortable and complacent! Save us from weak resignation, to the evils we deplore! Grant us wisdom and courage to turn the world upside down! All to your glory!