Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions


Title:  Compartmentalization

Reading for January 25:  Exodus 31-34

...the people gathered themselves together to Aaron and said to him, "Up, make us gods..."
Exodus 32:1 

To compartmentalize in our spiritual life is to separate out parts of our lives before God that are incongruous and then go about our business pretending we are consistent in our beliefs.

For example, Aaron made the golden calves for the children of Israel, something that was expressly forbidden by God, and then declared a "festival to the LORD" the following day (Exodus 32:5). He was practicing idolatry, but was somehow able to convince himself that he was worshiping God.

What happens, however, is eventually we grow tired of playing this hypocritical game. It is impossible to serve two masters. Our true master will become evident over time in every area of our life. We can only put on a show of piety for so long. 

Aaron may have tried to "sanctify" his idolatry by calling it a "festival to the LORD," but when they rose up to offer burnt offerings the next day the record says, "the people sat down to eat and drink and rose up to play." (Exodus 32:6) 

Our behavior will always follow our heart. "By their fruits you shall know them." If our heart is not with the Lord, our conduct will make it known.

If we don't respect God and his Word in even just one area of our lives, eventually we won't respect him in any area. We can't separate out "important" and "non-essential" areas of God's Word. God is either absolute, total Lord of our lives or he is nothing to us at all. 

Father God, we want you to take control of our entire life. Keep us from a spirit of compromise.