Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Seeing Sin As It Really Is

Title:  Seeing Sin As It Really Is

Reading for June 26:  Psalms 119

Through your precepts I get understanding;
therefore I hate every false way.
Psalm 119:104

The Devil is good at making sin look good. Just look at the beer commercials. You would get the impression that anyone who drinks is successful, intelligent, and funny.

God's Word gives us another perspective. While the commercial pictures people having a fun with a beer in hand, the Bible pictures:

    •    a man staggering in his own vomit (Isaiah 19:14).  

    •    a man seeing strange things, saying perverse things under its influence (Proverbs 23:33). 

    •    a man so numb he doesn't know when he is beaten (Proverbs 23:35)  

The Devil is a liar and everything he does is intended to deceive us. That's why it is so important to go to the pages of God's Word to study and uncover all of his lies. We need to see sin as it is in all of its ugliness.

But what do we spend more time doing, listening to the lies of Satan or investigating the truth of God's Word? 

Give us light, O God, that we might see things as they really are, not as our adversary makes them out to be.