Daily Devotions

Daily Devotions

Discovering & Using Your Talents

Title:  Discovering & Using Your Talents

Reading for January 30:  Exodus 36-38

"Bezalel and Oholiab and every craftsman in whom the LORD has put skill and intelligence to know how to do any work in the construction of the sanctuary shall work in accordance with all that the LORD has commanded."
Exodus 36:1

Jesus said, "Everyone to whom much is given, of him much will be required" (Luke 12:48). What does that statement mean to you and me?

It means that when God gives us a gift or talent, he expects us to use those gifts. All of us have been blessed by God with abilities (Rom 12:3; Eph 4:7). God doesn't just give us these gifts for our own purposes, serving our own personal goals and dreams. He invested these gifts in us and expects a return on the investment (Mt 25).

But what if you don't yet know what your gifts are? You can ask others to help you discover your gifts. Ask someone you respect to help you. They will help you find where you might be most useful in the Lord's body.

In the end, however, it's not all that important to know what your gifts are. What is needed is an attitude to serve wherever you are and whatever opportunities are set before you. If you're asked to do something, then do it. If you see a volunteer opportunity at church, sign up. If the church has small-group work meetings, go to them and see what needs to be done. 

You may be surprised to find that you are capable of doing much more than you thought. In the end, God doesn't need our talents and resources to make the body grow. What he needs is willing hands to serve in the body.

Father, we commit all our abilities to your service. Present opportunities for us to be used in the body.